From the 1980’s to the end of the 20th Century, the City of Kumasi and the Country at large was set ablaze for Christ. A wind of spiritual revival blew across the length and breadth of the nation where the zeal of the youth in the churches was consumed for evangelism. In the highways, streets and corners the wave of evangelism was ongoing. On the chests of the youth were such inscriptions: “I am an Evangelist, Christ is the Answer, Be Aglow, Christ is coming” and the like. Christian Fellowships sprang up from the orthodox churches in particular with the youth dominating. You could hear of such names “The Reapers, HOVCEA, CPC Fellowship, Standing Together, Upper Room, Aflame for Christ and many others. These Fellowships combined choral ministration and evangelism moving from school to school, suburb to another and even moving to the villages and towns in the Country. The emergence of HEM in 1984, therefore, was no new news.

HEM began as a Christian Fellowship, or a para[1]church group, at Bantama, Kumasi. Members were mostly the youth drawn from different churches in the Kumasi Metropolis. The Fellowship began with Bible study programs organized on Sunday evenings at the premises of Perpetual International School, North Suntreso. Crusades were also held at the invitation of some Churches particularly the Christ Apostolic Church (C.A.C). On Sunday 29th November 1987, a declaration was made by the leadership to the effect that the Fellowship had from that day turned to a “Church”. The name remained same, so was the worship-centre. Some members maintained their membership; others also moved back to their mother churches. Although the declaration came from the mouth of Pastor Stephen Agyen, he did it with the knowledge and consent and on behalf of the entire leadership. The leader, Pastor Ola, had travelled to Nigeria, his home-country, at the invitation of his family


The late Rev. Gregory Ola Akin was the founder and therefore the first Chairperson of HEM. Taking him for a Case-study, I present the profile of this faithful minister of Christ to readers many of whom might be his spiritual sons and daughters. I hope to touch on how consumed his zeal for the work of God was, his selflessness, commitment to HEM and the church in general. Pastor Ola, founded the Ministry as a Fellowship in 1984 at Bantama Kumasi. As a leader and the founder he was made the life Chairman when the Fellowship became a Church. He was also the head pastor of the Bantama Assembly. He held these positions until his demise in 2013. Rev. Ola Akin was born in Bibiani in the North Western Region of Ghana on October, 28th 1944. He was born to Moslem parents; the late Chief Gbademasi Akinpelu (Asipa of Balogo of Ogbomosho, Nigeria) and the late Hawa Ajaro Akinpelu, also of Nigeria. He was the 9th of his 27 siblings. Though born a Moslem, Rev. Ola had his basic education at the Roman Catholic School, Bibiani. For some reasons he could not further his formal education. He therefore went to his home country, Nigeria where he worked at a Construction.

firm. Later he joined his father’s friend and worked as an Assistant Store-keeper. Rev. Ola got converted to become a Christian in 1961 through efforts of one Evangelist Moses, a Baptist Seminarian. This was after several unsuccessful attempts by some Christian brothers to covert him to Christ had been done. He came back to Ghana after his conversion for fear of his parents. Back in Ghana, he joined the St. Peter’s Catholic Church, Kumasi. That was his first place of worship as a Christian. He later joined the Christ Apostolic Church (C.A.C) at Bantama Kumasi, rededicated his life to Christ and played a very active role in the Church. In 1967, he became a free-lance Evangelist distributing Gospel tracts all over. He even attached himself to Late Apostle E.A. Quarshie, then Regional head of Christ Apostolic Church Ashanti Region. He understudied him. His dream became a reality when he was appointed a pastor in 1968. He was made the Associate Pastor to Pastor R.D. Asare, then Kumasi District Pastor of Christ Apostolic Church. Pastor Ola was an evangelist, a teacher and a pastor. He was also a father and a friend. His hard work earned him promotions; rising through the ranks. He became the Kumasi District Pastor, the General Evangelist of C.A.C and finally a member of the National Executive Council, C.A.C. For his pastoral training, Rev. Ola attended the C.A.C Pastoral Training School at Asamankese, Church of God Bible Institute, Kumasi, and Christ for the Nations Institute, Texas U.S.A (1976). He also attended many workshops and other capacity-building Programs and Seminars in Ghana, Singapore and Kenya. In 1975, Pastor Ola married Miss. Esther Forson; a member and a chorister of C.A.C Bantama Assembly. Rev. and Mrs. Ola Akin were blessed with many spiritual sons and daughters. Receiving the blessings of Apostle P.N. Anim the founder of C.A.C, Rev. Ola resigned from the C.A.C as a worker in 1983. He then began the Harvesters Evangelistic Ministry as a fellowship. He worked hard in the ministry exhibiting a high sense of duty and a high sense of humility. He was called to Glory unexpectedly in 2013, November, 20th and was buried on 19th January 2014.

Rev. Gregory Ola Akin was really a great servant of God. He impacted on the lives of many people positively. He was a disciplinarian and therefore believed in orderliness. He instilled discipline in the church. He was selfless and truthful. He was very zealous for work and this was translated in his total commitment to the ministry. He would not compromise in the execution of his work. Pastor Ola lived by and preached the word of God as it is without any dilution or adulteration. Ola was an intercessor for the individuals, the church and the nation. He introduced the January Fasting and Prayer meeting in the ministry. This practice has become the annual ritual for HEM and many Christian churches in Ghana and abroad. Many students of the Bible take inspiration from Pastor Ola more importantly in the area of Evangelism. Rev. Ola was the first Chairperson of Faith Convention Planning Committee. He held this office for well over 32years. He died while in active leadership of Faith Convention. Faith Convention is an annual meeting of Christian fraternity in the city of Kumasi. Membership is drawn from churches in the Metropolis. They have teamed up to win Kumasi and for that matter Ghana for Christ. The first convention was held in November 1981 at Bantama C.A.C Kwashie Temple. Under his chairmanship, he exhibited a very rare and uncommon leadership. By his character, his fellow ministers in and outside the Faith Convention see his demise as great loss of a father, a brother, a counsellor, a very good and exceptional friend. They also see his death as having lost a mentor, a teacher, a kingdom-minded visionary and strategist. Again, to them they have lost a faithful and generous philanthropist and giver who was bold and selfless leader. His impact on many lives, his contributions to many churches, his role in setting the city of Kumasi and Ghana on fire for Christ through the Faith Convention and finally his sacrifices for HEM were enormous and immeasurable.